Community Involvement
We’re proud to help our players make an impact in their local communities and hometowns. When a player has a specific cause in mind, we’ll find a charity they can get involved with or a foundation they can donate to. We’ll also tap into our own network and present players with new opportunities to get involved whenever possible!

Charity Partnerships
Check out some of the organizations our players have been involved with
When a player wishes to start their own foundation or host a unique event the TSC team is there every step of the way. Our goal is to help our players make a lasting impact for years to come.
Plan Events
Whether it's a kids hockey clinic, golf tournaments, fundraising gala, or charity softball games the TSC will help players plan a unique charity event.
Find Corporate Sponsors
When players are planning charity events we work with them to help find the right brand partners, supporting them as they secure key sponsors.
Establish Community Programs
players are looking to make a larger impact in their NHL team’s community our team will work directly with their NHL team to bring these big ideas to life.
Player events for charity & corporate sponsors
Some initiatives we have had the pleasure of supporting
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Sports Corporation team
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